An Expert Guide on the Differences Between Bar and Liquid Soap
You might think that soap is soap, whether bar or liquid. Well, there are several differences between the two. If you own a private label company that currently offers soap to customers or want to add it to your product lineup, make it easier to choose the right source among the best bar and liquid soap manufacturers to help with your brand. Remember, most soap manufacturers in Canada produce both bar and liquid formulas. However, the goal is to select one that specializes in custom products for private label companies. You’ll end up with a more innovative product that helps your products stand out. Key Differences Ingredients The most significant difference in soap manufacturing is the ingredients that soap manufacturing companies in the GTA use. For example, they make bar soap from lye, scientifically called sodium hydroxide. They also produce liquid soap from a different type of lye known as potash or potassium hydroxide. Along with that, there are detergents. Soap...